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[ About this website ] Kubota’s vision of future Earth and technologies

This is the Earth of the future, a beautiful and abundant world, where things yet to be seen all circulate in a cycle. Kubota’s vision of a sustainable world is already unfolding. We at Kubota think, act, and contribute for the benefit of the Earth and all life on it. Our mission has remained unchanged since our founding in 1904 when we succeeded in mass-producing water pipes with the commitment to save people from infectious diseases.
We leverage our technologies to solve problems, with our eyes on the future. They include the water pipes that run through the Earth, and the production of safe water that flows through them. The agricultural equipment that cultivate every grain of rice and wheat. The construction machinery that lay the foundations of cities. The air purifiers that protect the spatial hygiene at gathering places. And waste disposal with minimal environmental impact. These are the waste management and recycling systems that protect and sustain life on this beautiful planet.
In this sustainable Earth, compassion for all things will abound, so hopes and dreams will continually thrive. In this way, the history of life and the Earth will continue on forever. Kubota, as a member, will coexist with them well into the future.
For Earth and for all life on it. Kubota’s contributions will never cease.
The KUBOTA FUTURE CUBE embodies Kubota's vision and technology for the future in a single world with illustrations by James Gilleard / Folio Art UK
Kubota’s vision of future Earth and technologies
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