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New Year's Thoughts (Summary)
By Yasuo Masumoto, Representative Director, Chairman, President & CEO
— Becoming more flexible - and bolder! The Group must work together to take on the challenges! —

January 7, 2013

  • The following is a summary of New Year's thought by Yasuo Masumoto, Representative Director, Chairman, President & CEO sent to directors and employees of the Kubota Group on January 7.

Apply the "Kubota Global Identity" to your own actions
We established the "Kubota Global Identity" last year as global corporate principles. Along with other factors, the advancing diversification and globalization of our company management has meant that we now have a great variety of employees working in the Group. We therefore felt that it was necessary for every one of the approximately 30,000 Group employees around the world to share the same basic idea about why the Kubota Group exists and about what we value as important.
I would like you all to become able to talk about the principles while considering them in terms of your own actions. By uniting our minds in this way, I hope that we will continue to be a corporate group that is truly trusted and demanded by society.

"Made by Kubota" --- Aiming to become a truly global company
"Solving the problems in the areas of 'food, water and the environment,' which are indispensable for human beings" --- In order for us to be able to fulfill this mission as a manufacturing company on a global level, last year we constructed new plants in North America, China and Thailand. Also, our globalization has proceeded in the areas of water and the environment, with our first orders received for the "GENEX" earthquake-resistant ductile iron pipes in the USA and for a palm oil mill effluent treatment system in Malaysia.
"Made by Kubota" --- We will continue to pursue a truly global company image, in which all of the employees working in the Kubota Group can work at the manufacturing in safety, and in which it is possible to offer high quality products and services from anywhere around the world.

Take up challenges boldly without being restricted by past examples or customs
Last year I gave "speeding up" as a key point. In order to aim for further growth in this situation of such a rapidly changing business environment, it is essential that we do not become fixated on "self-sufficiency," and that we buy ourselves time and ask for the assistance of new partners. One example of this is M&A, as was the case in our participation in the market for agricultural machinery for dry field farming overseas and in our strengthening of our water treatment engineering business in the Asia region. Furthermore, as support and an expression of our gratitude to the people working in agriculture in Japan, who have been a support to us for many years, we have exceeded the boundaries of our agricultural machinery business and started up a new export business for Japanese rice. All of these are trials that could be described as innovation, as something that did not exist in Kubota up until now.
I would definitely also like you all to take a broad view of the world around you, to learn from the various trends and happenings in the world and to take up new challenges each day. Then, when you take up new challenges boldly, without becoming restricted by concern about past examples and customs, I hope that you will all find a sense of satisfaction in your work and a dream for the future.
We must take action in a way that is flexible and bold, and the whole Group must work as one to take up the challenges ahead of us as we head towards our big dream of finding solutions to the problems in the areas of 'food, water and the environment.'

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