Release of the Kubota Group Integrated Report 2022 Aiming to realize an “Essentials Innovator for Supporting Life” Committed to a Prosperous Society and Cycle of Nature
August 26, 2022
Kubota Corporation (Headquarters: Naniwa-ku, Osaka, Japan; President and Representative Director: Yuichi Kitao; hereinafter “Kubota”) today announced its release of the Kubota Group Integrated Report 2022.
This report is designed to communicate the Kubota Group’s approach to raising corporate value on an ongoing basis and its prospects for the future, in line with management strategies for the mid- to long-term. This year’s report contains three features, introducing examples of the work in progress to realize GMB2030, which is Kubota’s Long-Term Vision leading to 2030, the Environmental Vision that sets out the target situation toward 2050 from an environmental perspective, and messages from Outside Directors toward the realization of K-ESG management, Kubota’s unique ESG approach.
The Kubota Group is seeking to be a sustainable corporate group that continues to be trusted by and indispensable to society. To do so, the group will maintain its commitment to ESG management and use its business activities to contribute to the resolution of environmental and social issues in the areas of food, water, and the environment.

1. Title
Kubota Group Integrated Report 2022
- This is a change in title from the former KUBOTA REPORT Digest Version. The new report includes additional content designed for institutional investors, shareholders, and all our stakeholders.
2. Frequency
Issued once annually
3. Reporting Period
January – December, 2021
4. Principal Contents (excerpt)
- Top Message
- Long-Term Vision “GMB2030”
- Materiality That We Take as Key Management Issues
- Mid-Term Business Plan 2025
- Promoting K-ESG Management
- Special Feature 1: The Route to Realizing Our Long-Term Vision “GMB2030”
- Special Feature 2: Kubota’s Goal of a Sustainable Society
- Special Feature 3: Messages from Outside Directors
The Integrated Report is available on Kubota’s website:
The Kubota Group ESG Report 2022 is also available on the Kubota website shown above. Positioned differently from the former KUBOTA REPORT Full Version, the ESG Report provides comprehensive coverage of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) centered initiatives.