Involvement with Environmental Conservation Activities and SDGs
The Kubota Group has declared “For Earth, For Life” to be its brand statement, and has positioned its “Kubota Global Identity” corporate philosophy as the foundation for its management. Each of our employees plays an important individual role according to this corporate philosophy, with a duty to contribute to resolving social issues in the fields of food, water, and the environment.
Our company’s business activities in themselves are deeply linked with many of the SDGs, and we are also strongly involved with them in a variety of areas through our initiatives for environmental conservation. By means of our environment-friendly products, technology, services, and corporate activities, the Kubota Group will contribute to the growth of society and the preservation of the earth’s environment, while promoting our activities to achieve the SDGs on a global scale.
We organized the Kubota Group's environmental conservation activities and related SDGs and targets by field.
Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change
Related SDGs
Major Activity Content
- Promotion of manufacturing which can lead to the mitigation of climate changes, adaptation to them, and reduction of their impacts
- Improvement of energy usage efficiency, such as through energy saving and conservation
- Promotion of measures to reduce energy waste and losses, focusing on JIT and automation
- Expansion of the use of renewable energy, etc.
Working towards a Recycling-based Society
Related SDGs
Major Activity Content
- Promotion of measures to reduce resource waste and losses, focusing on JIT and automation
- Thorough execution of separate management, promotion of recycling
- Thorough execution of appropriate waste material management, risk management, etc.
Conserving Water Resources
Related SDGs
Major Activity Content
- Promotion of measures to reduce water resource waste and losses, focusing on JIT and automation
- Water conservation measures, water leak inspections, introduction of wastewater regeneration equipment which applies our company’s technology
- Thorough execution of appropriate wastewater management, risk management, etc.
Controlling Chemical Substances
Related SDGs
Major Activity Content
- Reduction of chemical substance discharge volume, focusing on JIT and automation
- Improvement of coating efficiency of coating materials, substitution with VOC-free materials
- Thorough execution of appropriate emission gas and hazardous substance management, risk management, etc.
Conserving Biodiversity
Related SDGs
Major Activity Content
- Promotion of activities to preserve biodiversity
- Reintroduction of young fish into bodies of water, volunteer activities for coral restoration, tree planting activities, protection of wild birds and animals
- Greening and beautification activities on business office premises or in surrounding areas
- Social contribution activities (KUBOTA e-Project) - Conservation of the natural environment through appropriate management and reduction of wastewater, emission gases, and waste materials, etc.
Expanding Environment-conscious Products and Services
Related SDGs
Major Activity Content
- Environment-friendliness over product and service life cycles
- Product environmental assessments, internal certification system for Eco-Products - Expansion of certified Eco-Products
- Reduced fuel consumption, longer service life, promotion of recycling, cleaning of emission gases, etc. - Provision of products and services which can aid in adaptation to climate changes
- Wastewater pumps to reduce flood damage
- KSAS and KSIS applying ICT and IoT to support responses to climate changes
- Tractors capable of deep plowing, to prevent declines in product quality due to extreme heat - Provision of products and services contributing to the suppression of environmental pollution and the preservation of biodiversity
- Engines compliant with emission gas regulations
- Products and services which support appropriate fertilization and contribute to suppressing eutrophication
- Products and services aiding in the prevention of excessive dispersion of substances such as chemicals, etc.
About the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In 2015, the United Nations adopted "Sustainable Development Target (SDGs)" for 2030 was adopted. SDGs consists of 17 goals and a total of 169 targets set for each goal.